SO CON - "The Micro Major"

It is my opinion as a representative of a legitimate collegiate conference that the weakness of the SoCon (Elon???) does not warrant the level of trash talk that is being spoken on this site. Winning the title of Mr. Davidson is like being the top male athlete at Miss Halls All Girls School. I would hate to see what would happen if someone from the Big 12 interuppted your little competition.
Specifically in regard to the person who made this quote, "The end of August is a perfect time for me to whoop the asses of a bunch of out of shape, balding, married-dude, chumps. The hotter the better. You guys are gonna be sweatin' it out for second place. Dickinson bitches." This gentlemen has obviously been spending his Friday nights alone watching"The Program" over and over. I would like to encourage him to remember his time in Denver, and the many embarrassing defeats he suffered at the hands of a BIG 12 graduate.
I will leave you with this question. What would happen if the worst of Big 12 met the best of the micro SoCon? Are you man enough to find out?
Keep reading your books.
Sincerely ready to own you,
Jeff Bruecker, Baylor University, 2000
I don't know what would happen when a Baylor alumnus met a Davidson alumnus--would you shoot us and then try to cover it up, or would you just serve us fries or pump our gas?
Oooooooohhhh, you got BURNED by the preacherman. That's gonna leave a mark.
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