Mr. Davidson

That's right boys. I've finally taken a little time away from my upper body training to figure out how to turn on the computer and damn if I didn't take to it like a fish to water. As you can see, the three weeks on the bowflex have done wonders for my bi's and tri's. And no my arms didn't "explode", unless you count getting deep muscle abscesses that have to be punctured with a steak knife "exploding". Anyway, I figure I get a few weeks of aerobic in on the Tony Little endorsed Gazelle and there may not be a single event that I don't dominate (unless that New Arun shows up- I bet that freak brings the noise). So let notice be served- that imaginary trophy won't be yours until you pry it from my hot, greasy, acnefied, sweaty fingers.
The Franchise
I inject the cream and huff the clear. Get better distribution that way.
Have you ever tried popping your biceps like a zit? I bet it would work.
Dude, stop taking those horse pills--you're starting to look at little like Stallone in Rocky 4. Please don't go train in Russia!
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